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CESCR’s PSWG Session Cancelled Due to Liquidity Crisis at the UN

CESCR’s PSWG Session Cancelled Due to Liquidity Crisis at the UN

The 75th session of the Pre-Sessional Working Group (PSWG) of the Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (CESCR), which was due to take place from 30 September to 04 October 2024, has been canceled due to the UN liquidity crisis. During the session, the PSWG was set to review submissions to define the Lists of Issues (LOIs) for Cabo Verde, North Macedonia, South Korea, Tunisia, and Turkmenistan.

This decision was added to the list of effects the liquidity crisis has implied on the functioning of the UN human rights system. Back in January, hybrid modalities for UN human rights bodies and mechanisms in Geneva were suspended, hindering the participation and engagement of States and CSOs, especially those from the Global South. Furthermore, at the beginning of April, the Committee on the Rights of the Child also had to cancel its PSWG session. These actions hinder the State Review Process by sacrificing meaningful and effective involvement of States and CSOs. Additionally, by canceling these sessions and delaying the reviews, the Committees will further increase their backlogs.

With partners, we have joined statements by CSOs criticising these measures, highlighting the importance of these spaces and requesting states to pay their fees to the United Nations. We signed a petition against cancelling the CRC's PSWG session and a letter urging States to fulfil their financial obligations. We remain concerned about cancelling these events that represent meaningful opportunities to address the human rights policies of the states. By eliminating these spaces for discussion, the capacity of international institutional frameworks to address human rights violations effectively will be severely impacted.

Nonetheless, we remain committed to continuing to engage and further our advocacy efforts before the UN human rights system. In particular, we welcome the confirmation of the 76th session of CESCR (09 - 27 Sep 2024), where the Committee will have the opportunity to continue promoting and protecting economic, social, and cultural rights worldwide and to creatively address the effects of the organisation's liquidity crisis.

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