Our community
Significant change cannot be achieved in a vacuum or alone.
By cultivating solidarity and equitable partnerships, we promote collaboration and initiatives to establish and realise human rights that are grounded in diverse perspectives.
We operate across disciplinary silos and national frontiers, with institutions at all levels, to build collective capacity to identify and reduce inequalities and bridge the gender gap. We work closely with social movements because social movements engage society at large, not merely intellectual and political elites. This is the terrain in which GI-ESCR has chosen to work.

Networks we are part of
- ESCR-Net
- As a member of the Steering Committee of the Strategic Litigation Working Group.
- As a member of the Steering Committee of Women and ESC Rights Working Group.
- As a member of the Advisory Group of the Networkwide Project on Environment and ESCR.
- As a member of the Economic Justice Working Group.
- Bringing Human Rights Home, as a member of the ESC Rights Working Group
- The Extraterritorial Obligations Consortium, as a member of the Steering Committee
- The Geneva Climate Change Consultation Group
- Geneva Gender Network
- The Group of Friends of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Geneva
- The NGO Network on the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies (TB-Net)
- The Privatisation in Education and Human Rights Consortium, as a member of the Facilitation Group
- The Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors
- Réseau francophone contre la marchandisation de l’éducation (‘Francophone Network against the Commercialisation of Education’)
- Comunidad de Organizaciones Solidarias (‘Community of Solidarity Organisations’) (Chile)
- Red Ciudadana para la Justicia Fiscal (‘Citizen Network for Tax Justice’) (Chile)
- Plataforma de empresas y derechos humanos (‘Business and human rights platform’) (Chile)
- Red para la participación (‘Participation Network’) (Chile)
- Elena Caffarena (feminist network, Chile)
- The Climate Justice Network (Mexico)
Where we are
With our partners, we think and act, globally and locally, where our work at one level is enriched by, and strengthens and supports, our work at other levels.