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GI-ESCR makes a joint parallel submission on education in Senegal

GI-ESCR makes a joint parallel submission on education in Senegal

GI-ESCR makes a joint parallel submission on education in Senegal to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


GI-ESCR, in partnership with the Coalition des Organisations en SYnergie pour la Défense de l’Education Publique (COSYDEP), made a joint submission to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (the Committee) drawing from the report on the privatisation and commercialisation of education in Senegal developed by COSYDEP with GI-ESCR’s support.  

The joint submission was made as Senegal is due for the follow-up of the Committee’s Concluding Observations on its third periodic report.  

The joint submission addresses two areas of concern identified in paragraph 41 and a recommendation made in paragraph 42 of the Committee's 2019 Concluding Observations.  

The said areas of concern, which are reflected in “the inadequate availability of inclusive and quality education in public schools, to the benefit of potentially expensive private schools” mentioned by the Committee in 2019, have been confirmed in the 2021 COSYDEP report.  

The report also gives an update on the state of implementation of the recommendation made by the Committee to Senegal to “take stronger measures to ensure that primary education and, progressively, secondary education is genuinely free of charge". 

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