Support to the advocacy workshop of the University of Geneva course award-winning
GI-ESCR provides support to the advocacy workshop of the University of Geneva course award-winning participant
GI-ESCR provided support to Tribune Jeunes pour le Droit au Mali (TRIJEUD-Mali) in the organisation of an advocacy workshop held on 8 December 2022. TRIJEUD-Mali participated in the first edition of the University of Geneva course on research capacity towards advocacy for the right to education held from 21 October 2021 to 30 June 2022. After the review of the course deliverables, TRIJEUD-Mali was awarded the prize for the best report in order to support an advocacy activity around the said report which focuses on the "Working conditions of primary school teachers in private schools in Mali: the case of Commune III in the district of Bamako, from 2016 to 2022."
During the advocacy workshop, Aya Douabou, on behalf of GI-ESCR, presented the background and rationale behind the University of Geneva course which is to strengthen the capacity of the francophone civil society on research methodology while increasing data on the issue of privatisation of education in the francophone space and building partnerships in the region.
Assim Konaté, participant of the University of Geneva course on behalf of TRIJEUD-Mali, presented the findings and recommendations of the research. He was followed by Lamin Ouologuem who spoke to the importance of collective bargaining agreement for private school teachers to help improve their working conditions.
After the presentation, rich discussions and engagements took place among the participants.
The workshop gathered education authorities, teachers’ unions and other civil society organisations.