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Arts Competition 2023 - terms and conditions

Arts Competition 2023 - terms and conditions


1 - Eligibility:  

  1. The competition is ONLY open to University of Nairobi students. 
  2. Students below the age of 18 need parental consent to participate in the Competition.    

2 - Number of entries and art media:  

  1. Each applicant can submit one piece of artwork for the Competition. Students have the option of merging the different genres to effectively convey the message e.g. a song and dance or music and spoken word. 
  2. The participants are also allowed to submit as a group.  
  3. The entry shall be one or a mix of the following genres: 
    • Visual arts: posters, fine arts (paintings, sculptures), and photography.   
    • Performing arts: short film, song, dance, poetry, spoken word, and oral narrative.    

3 - The entry must:   

  1. Be the participants' original work. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and submitting any artwork that does not belong to the artist will result in an immediate disqualification from the competition.   
  2. Not contain any offensive, illegal, or abusive content. Such entries will be invalid.   
  3. Be evidently related to the Competition’s theme.    


4 - Submission:    

  1. For entries in the performing arts category, the video or audio recording should be clear and of good quality. The recording should not be longer than 2 minutes. 
  2. The photographs should be clear and in will be accepted in JPG, PNG or PDF form. Maximum file size is 4MB.  
  3. Paintings and sculptures will be submitted at the Centre for Human Rights and Peace located at Main Campus, Gandhi Wing, 3rd Floor, Room GW301. 
  4. Participants are required to record and submit short videos/pictures of themselves as they work on their submissions.  
  5. Participants must fill in all the information required in the submission form.  
  6. Participants will be required to complete an anonymous survey form.   


5- Deadline:

  1. The deadline for submission is 5th November 2023 at 4 PM EAT. 


6 - Jury Panel:  

  1. The judgment panel shall consist of jury made up of 4 members.  
  2. The jury shall consist of three (3) members of UoN appointed by the CHRP-Art Organising Committee.  
  3. One CSO representative appointed by GI-ESCR.  


7 - Artwork assessment:   

  1. The submissions will go through a pre-jury judgement for whittling down entries.   
  2. The jury will assess the submissions on the basis of:   
    1. The Artistic quality   
    2. The adequate reflection of public services 
    3.  Originality and the capacity to carry a message on the theme. 
  3. The artwork submitted shall be displayed/presented prior to announcing the winners.  


8 - Announcement of winners:  

  1. Winners will be announced in a public forum to be held at the University of Nairobi, Main Campus.  
  2. The winners or their representatives must be present during the award ceremony to receive their prizes 


9 - Awards   


Overall winner 

Kes: 30,000 

Runners up 

Kes: 20,000 

1st Runners up 

Kes: 10,000 

Best Presentation in each genre(outside the selected 3 overall winners) 

Kes: 5,000 x 8 genres 


  1. GI-ESCR and the AoC will promote the winning art items and their authors through their website and social media.   The winning artwork will be used by GI-ESCR to raise awareness of the wider public on the importance of public services/public education/public health, while giving the due recognition to the authors.   
  2. A certificate of participation will be provided to all participants in the Art Competition.  


10 - Intellectual Property Rights:  

  1. The copyright of the artwork remains with the artist/artists.   
  2. By submitting their artwork, participants agree to allow the organisers to use their artwork in the campaign to promote public awareness on the importance of public services. 
  3. By submitting their artwork, participants agree to allow the organisers to use and display the artwork on their websites, social media, subsequent publications and others, without any restrictions. When doing so, the organisers agree to provide attribution to the original author or creator of the work. 
  4. The artwork will be subject to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.  
  5. The artists retain the right to sell their artwork to third parties without any restrictions from the organisers, while the organisers will continue to have the right to use and display the artwork while providing attribution to the original author or creator of the work. 


11 - Acceptance of Terms and Conditions:  

  1. By submitting their artwork, participants agree to the terms and conditions of the competition.
  2. Any breach of the terms and conditions will result in disqualification.  


12 - Privacy:  

  1. By submitting their artwork, participants agree that the information collected by GI-ESCR through the survey will strictly be used for reporting matters to the donors and interested parties. 
  2. By submitting their artwork, participants consent that the information and statistics so collected will be included in GI-ESCR's annual report, among others. 
  3. All survey information will be strictly anonymous.    





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