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Advance Women’s Land and Property Rights - Kenya case study

Advance Women’s Land and Property Rights - Kenya case study

New report available: How to use Treaty Bodies' Concluding Observations to advance Women’s Land and Property Rights - Kenya case study


GI-ESCR and the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies, Indiana University Bloomington are publishing a key report aimed at CSOs and grassroots movements highlighting the utility of concluding observations from treaty bodies to advance women's rights to land and property. The report includes a case study on the situation in Kenya, where women’s land rights activists, by embedding these statements into their broader advocacy strategies, have leveraged them to bring about tangible change in policy and practice, towards the realisation of women’s rights to land and property.

This report builds up on previous work carried out by GI-ESCR and partner organisations on how to use human rights mechanisms, particularly treaty bodies such as the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).


  • A PUBLIC WEBINAR will take place shortly to present the report and discuss practical ways to use Concluding Observations to advance women’s land and property rights. #CEDAW #landrights #womensrights #globallyready
  • A TOOLKIT drawing from the report will soon be published as a resource for human rights advocates.


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