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GI-ESCR joins the Network for Participation in Chile

GI-ESCR joins the Network for Participation in Chile

GI-ESCR joins the Network for Participation in Chile to guarantee citizen participation in the constituent process


In the framework of its extensive work in Chile in the context of the constituent process, GI-ESCR has joined the network “Red para La Participaci?n” (Network for Participation) to coordinate efforts with other civil society organisations with the aim to enhance citizen participation during the constitutional process in Chile.  

The coalition is based on the shared diagnosis of the need to open up spaces for consultative and deliberative participation of citizens in the drafting of the new Constitution. Its objective is to include a human rights and gender justice approach in the process, as well as to allow for universal access, equality and non-discrimination, territorial and thematic decentralisation, adaptability to the needs of excluded groups, transparency and timely access to information, citizen education and budget autonomy.  

Currently, the network is rolling out the #ParticipemosTodxs (Let's All Participate) campaign, inviting the candidates to the Constitutional Convention to pledge and fulfil two commitments: guaranteeing citizen participation and including historically excluded people.

The Participation Network is made of the following organisations:



Asociación de Abogadas Feministas (ABOFEM), Ahora Nos Toca Participar, Brigada Constituyente, C80, Centro de Autoformación Cívica, la Comunidad de Organizaciones Solidarias, Consti TU+YO, Constituci?n 2021, Contexto, Corporación Humanas, Corporación y oficina jurídica COLECTIVA, Espacio Público, Fundación Ciudadanía Inteligente, Fundación Multitudes, Fundación para la Superación de la Pobreza, Laboratorio de Controversias - Universidad de Chile, Momento Constituyente, ONG Leasur, Politigram, TECHO Chile/Fundaci?n Vivienda y Vinculante.

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