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GI-ESCR Participated in ESCR-Net Regional Strategy Meeting on Debt

GI-ESCR Participated in ESCR-Net Regional Strategy Meeting on Debt

GI-ESCR Participated in ESCR-Net Regional Strategy Meeting on Debt


GI-ESCR, as part of ESCR-Net, the International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights that connects over 280 NGOs, social movements and advocates across more than 75 countries to build a global movement to make human rights and social justice a reality for all, participated in the regional strategy meeting on debt and human rights held in Nairobi, Kenya on 2 – 4 August 2022. The meeting brought together over 20 representatives from Africa and the Middle East to collectively:

  • Strengthen a shared analysis of the debt situation in the region, its origins and structural drivers, and its impacts on human rights.

  • Strategise towards reinforcing the case for debt cancellation and reaffirming our governments’ primary obligation to realising economic, social, cultural and environmental rights.

GI-ESCR co-facilitated with PHM Kenya a discussion on how debt has contributed to the increasing privatisation and commercialisation of healthcare, and the negative impact this is having on the right to health in Kenya, using case studies from our report Patients or Customers? The Impact of Commercialised Healthcare on the Right to Health in Kenya during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This provided an opportunity to concretely connect the violation of ESC rights with debt and more broadly with economic injustice.

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