Joint Collective Submission on Just Transition and Human Rights
On behalf of the Climate Change and Human Rights Working Group, the following 19 organisations, namely: Asociación Ciudadana por los Derechos Humanos, Resilient 40, National Disabled Women Association Nepal, Red de Defensoras del Ambiente y el Buen Vivir, Ecofeminist Network LAC, CEUS Chile, The Palestinian Institute for Climate Strategy, International Federation for Human Rights, Scottish Federation for Marine Science, Climate Rights International, Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Center, Bio Vision Africa, Climate Action Network Eastern Africa, MENAFEM Movement for Economic Development and Ecological Justice, CAMBIAMO, Indigenous Environmental Network and the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights developed a collective submission to respond to the call for inputs for the Secretary-General’s synthesis report on just transition and human rights.
The undersigned organisations underscore the relevance of this critical and timely analysis, which is indispensable to unpacking the international human rights framework applicable to the transition to green economies and societies. It will be a key tool in all efforts to ensure transition policies and frameworks do not replicate but tackle inequalities and contribute to eradicating poverty and advancing sustainable development.
In this context, the submission seeks to provide information to highlight the role of the international human rights framework in guiding the objectives, outcomes, and decision-making processes necessary to deliver a just transition. It provides concrete recommendations and actionable solutions for transition policies and frameworks that respect, protect, and fulfil human rights.
This submission can help ground the concept of just transition in the international human rights framework, ensuring it contributes to advancing the profound global and local transformations necessary for people and nature to thrive.