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Explore our work with partners, globally and locally, to tackle social and economic injustice using a human rights lens.

Recognising our Mission and Work, we Became Official Members of the Global Alliance for Care

Recognising our Mission and Work, we Became Official Members of the Global Alliance for Care

After a thorough review, and due to our work on topics related to care —which encompass advocacy actions before various international and regional forums, participation in various instances of regional cooperation, and the development of new evidence on the intersections of care and economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights—, on 5 June, we were officially accepted as members of the Global Alliance for Care.

Co-convened by the Government of Mexico, through its National Institute of Women (INMUJERES), and UN Women, the Global Alliance for Care is the first global multi-stakeholder community that facilitates and fosters spaces for collective action, advocacy, communication, and learning about care and its recognition as a need, as work, and as a right.

Our incorporation into this network expands our horizons to explore and develop the intersections of care with public services, fiscal policies and just transitions, to achieve our strategic goal of treating care as a collective good and a social responsibility, by fostering sufficient resources and regulations for care systems, and pushing for adequate training, payment, support and decent working conditions for carers.

Visit our work on care:

GI-ESCR - Using the public services framework to guarantee children’s right to care in Chile (

Future is Public: Global manifesto for public services - Future is Public

GI-ESCR - GI-ESCR joins statement to call for just care systems (

GI-ESCR - GI-ESCR contributes to advisory opinion to the IACHR on the right to care (

GI-ESCR - We Complemented the OHCHR’s Study on Care Highlighting the Importance of Fiscal Policy (

GI-ESCR - The value of care: Debt and Social Justice (

GI-ESCR - ‘A Care-led Transition to a Sustainable Future’: New briefing paper unveils the interplay between care and climate change (

GI-ESCR - GI-ESCR and Partners Host Panel at the CSW68 on Gender and Care Responsive Climate Policies (

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