#WomensDay! | GI-ESCR calls for gender-transformative public services
#WomensDay! | GI-ESCR calls for gender-transformative public services in new brief on women and public services
This 08 March, on the occasion of the International Day of Women's Struggles, GI-ESCR releases a new publication on women and public services, aiming to explore the role of public services in the transformation of asymmetrical power relations between women and men. Released on International Women’s Day, the brief argues that public services can play a decisive role in this transformation and puts forward five key elements for a gender-transformative approach to public services.
There has been remarkable progress in the advancement of gender equality in the last few decades, from the strengthening of women’s rights in legal and constitutional frameworks to a lowering of the gender gap in education. Nevertheless, this progress in women’s equal rights has been met with strong political resistance, including from groups claiming to defend family values, religion, and culture. The escalating and intersecting global environmental and inequalities crises, compounded by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, add to the factors that put women’s rights at risk. These compounded adverse impacts on women’s rights are the consequence of deeply ingrained power imbalances between women and men.
In the face of these historic and emerging challenges, public services can play a decisive role in the transformation of the asymmetrical and unjust power relations between women and men. Public services enable us to tackle not only the consequences, but also the systemic and underlying factors—the uneven power imbalances — underpinning gender inequality.
GI-ESCR’s work on Women’s ESC rights and gender equality
GI-ESCR champions women’s economic, social and environmental justice by advocating for gender equality, women’s empowerment and the enjoyment of ESC rights in the face of privatisation, the ecological breakdown and the COVID-19 pandemic.
GI-ESCR has always promoted women’s economic and social justice. We first identified women’s rights to land and productive resources as a crucial element in ensuring women’s economic and social justice and achieving substantive equality. Together with our partners, we produced in-depth analysis and expertise on women's land rights, which led to ground-breaking progress in legal standards and implementation efforts, particularly in the African context.
Our collective efforts also led to a better understanding of the importance of land rights in reducing violence against women, promoting economic independence, improving women's status in communities and their resilience to climate change.
Building on this solid foundation of work, GI-ESCR progressively shifted its focus towards advancing women’s economic, social and environmental justice.
See what we achieved over 2019-2020
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most recent articles, interviews and op-eds related to our work for women’s rights
19 March 2021 - Expansão (Angola) - Tributar os ricos para uma sociedade mais solidaria - e feminista
16 March 2021 - Ojo Público (Peru) - Una sociedad solidaria y feminista necesita una reforma fiscal justa
15 March - The Standard (Kenya) - Why wealth people, firms should pay more taxes
14 March 2021 - Página 12 (Argentina) - El coronavirus castiga mucho más a las mujeres
11 March 2021 - Le Soir (Belgique) - Carte blanche: Taxer les plus riches pour des sociétés plus solidaires – et féministes
11 march 2021 - The Phnom Penh Post (Cambodia) - Do you want a more caring - and feminist - society? Tax better!
11 march 2021 - Namibia Economist (Namibia) - Do you want a more caring - and feminist - society? Tax better!
10 March 2021 - In Genere (Italy) - Tasse più alte per
i maschi più ricchi -
10 March 2021 - L’Economiste maghrébin (Tunisia) - Taxer les plus riches pour des sociétés plus solidaires et féministes
10 March 2021 - Animal Político (Mexico) - Para una sociedad solidaria y feminista, que paguen los más ricos
10 March 2021 - Las 2 Orillas (Colombia) - Para una sociedad solidaria y feminista, que paguen los más ricos
09 March 2021 - Acento (Dominican Republic) - Para una sociedad solidaria y feminista, que paguen los más ricos
09 March 2021 - L’Economiste (Maroc) - Taxer les plus riches pour des sociétés plus solidaires - et féministes
08 March 2021 - Business Live (South Africa) - How to create a more caring — and feminist — society - The pandemic must mark a turning point in the taxation of the richest individuals
08 March 2021 - Poder 360 (Brasil) - Tributar os ricos para uma sociedade mais solidária -e feminista
08 March 2021 - Common Dreams (USA) - Do You Want a More Caring—and Feminist Society? Tax Better!
08 March 2021 - Social Europe (EU) - Taxing better to create more caring- and feminist - societies - op-ed by Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona.
08 March 2021 - O Jornal Económico (PT) - A recuperação económica não pode deixar as mulheres para trás - op-ed by Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona.
07 March 2021 - EL País (ES) - Impuestos a los ricos para una sociedad más solidaria y feminista - op-ed by Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona.
04 March 2021 - Mediapart (FR) - Taxer les plus riches pour des sociétés plus solidaires - et féministes - op-ed by Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona.
01 March 2021 - México Social - Energías renovables: ¿transición justa para las mujeres? - op-ed by Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona and Alejandra Lozano Rubello.
August 2020 - 12 media outlets | Magdalena Sepúlveda’s open editorial: Women and Girls should not pay the bill of the pandemic. In her op-ed, relayed by 12 media worldwide, Magdalena Sepúlveda describes how women have been again the first victims of the social and economic crisis caused by the pandemic, as well as the possible way out for a fairer and sustainable future.
13 July 2020 - El País | GI-ESCR’s Magdalena Sepúlveda discusses the impact of COVID-19 on women and girls
March 2020 - 16 media outlets | Be a feminist, demand that the multinationals pay their taxes!