Submission on the Draft Guidelines on the Right to Water in Africa
Léo Heller denounce private water industry interference
Oral Statement on Water & Sanitation
World Water Day 2023
GI-ESCR Statement to Human Rights Council of Human Rights to Water
Human Rights-Based Approach to Water in Informal Settlements
Eliminating Discrimination in Rights to Housing, Land and Water
Women's Empowerment - Discrimination in Rights to Housing
Call to action for the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation
Red Sea Dead Sea Water Transport Study
GI-ESCR welcomes the launch of the Guidelines on the Right to Water in Africa
Welcoming the launch of the Guidelines on the Right to Water in Africa
UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water
Special Rapporteur calls for urgent action against financialisation of life
Water is a public good and a human right
Organizations sign statement supporting report on water privatization
A healthy environment is essential for the realization of the right to water
Mexico must adequately regulate the private and public provision of water
New ACHPR Guidelines set stringent standards for PPPs in water supply
Launch: 'Critical Minerals and Gender Equality' Was Presented in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
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